Legal Notice
As of the time of writing, this White Paper has been distributed only for general reference purpos es related to the NOVA project and may be reviewed and revised. Please note that this White Paper reflects the latest information as of the date of the cover and is not the final version. After that date, the information contained in this document, including business operations and financial condition of NOVA, is subject to change. This White Paper may be updated from time to time.
1) No one is obligated to enter into any contract or legally binding pledge with respect to the sale of NOVA, and no funds shall be accepted on the basis of this White Paper. The sale of NOVA is made through a legally binding contract, and related details are provided separately from this White Paper. In case of any inconsistency between the contract and the contents of this White Paper, the contract shall take precedence.
2) This White Paper shall not in any case be construed as an offer to sell or purchase tokens by the issuer/distributor/company of NOVA, and the presentation of this document or the document itself shall not be relied upon or as a basis for contract and investment decisions.
3) NOVA is not intended to constitute a unit of securities, business trusts, or collective investment schemes, each of which has the definition set forth in the Securities and Futures Act of Singapore (Cap 289) or equivalent regulations in other jurisdictions. Therefore, this White Paper is not provid ed as a business plan, business prospectus, proposal, etc., and shall not be construed as an invest ment proposal or solicitation in any jurisdiction, such as securities, units of business trusts, units of collective investment plans, etc.
Last updated