Warning Statement on Forward-Looking Statements
1)Certain expressions specified in this White Paper contain forward-looking statements regarding the future of the project, future events, prospects, etc. These statements are not statements based on historical facts and are identified by word-like expressions such as “anticipate”, “estimate”, “believe”, “expect”, “prospect” and “anticipate”. In addition to this White Paper, other public materials such as presentations, interviews, and videos may contain such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this White Paper include, but are not limited to, the future results, performance and achievements of NOVA and its affiliates.
2)Forward-looking statements involve various risks and uncertainties. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and you shall not place undue reliance on them. If risks and uncertainties materialize, the actual performance and development of NOVA and its affiliates may differ from expectations set by the forward-looking statements. Even if these circumstances change in the future, NOVA and its affiliates undertake no obligation to provide updates on forward-looking statements. If you act based on forward-looking statements contained in NOVA and affiliated websites and other materials, you are solely responsible for the non-realization of the forward- looking statements in this White Paper.
3) As of the date this White Paper was written, the NOVA platform is not complete or fully operational. Although the description is made on the premise that the NOVA platform will be completed and fully operational in the future, it shall not be construed as a guarantee or promise as to the completion and complete operation of the platform.
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